Custom Goldsmith Jon Pettey

Orange, California, United States | Jeweler


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Jon Pettey has designed and manufactured custom jewelry since 1978. He started designing jewelry as a hobby in 1974. His hobby quickly turned to a passion, as he spent 7 years with Clemente, a Master Goldsmith in Burbank. Jon then went on to work with Rock Martin in Laguna Beach, where over a period of 5 years, he refined his skills and started designing fishing oriented sport jewelry.Jon is an avid sport fisherman, a loving husband, and the proud father of three daughters. You can frequently find Jon aboard his 22{ Radon, fishing off the coast of Southern California, all the way down to Cabo San Lucas. He is a Charter Master aboard the Royal Star, a long range fishing boat where large Yellowfin and Wahoo are caught. An annual event you will find Jon at the Fred Hall Fish & Tackle Sports Show which he has been involved with for the last 14 years.Jon{s other passion is golf. He is a member of Los Coyotes Country Club and has designed many of the Southern California Country Club{s logos in Gold and Silver.Jon Pettey Custom Goldsmith, quality craftsmanship you can count on, vast selection, and customer service unmatched in the industry.


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