Arizona State Florists Association

Phoenix, Arizona, United States | Florists


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In March of 1952 at the Crystal Room of the Adams Hotel in downtown Phoenix, the FTD Florists of the State of Arizona met to discuss the need for a State Florists Association dedicated to strengthening the floral community and working together to promote the floral industry to the general public.At the time Arizona was the only state without such an organization so it was voted on unanimously to proceed. The constitution and bylaws were approved. The first board of officers elected to serve was Jack Baker, President; Tom Inglis, First Vice-President; Harlan Dole, Second Vice-President, and Carl Seidner, Secretary/Treasurer.The first Convention site was approved and the date was set for July 4th 1952. The first ASFA Convention was held at the Shrine Temple in Phoenix. Jack Norman was program chair, and Horace Head of Palm Springs Calif was the first guest designer. ASFA has gone through many changes over the years from updating the bylaws and logos, to expanding its outreach, updating technology and keeping up with the changing times.We are proud to be one of the oldest associations of its kind still true to its original goals of helping the florists statewide to work together to build a stronger, healthier industry and a positive image to the local communities.


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