Lapidary Arts Custom Jewelry

Plano, Texas, United States | Jeweler


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Custom jewelry design is a special sphere of craftsmanship where good taste and talent are as important as professional skills and knowledge. Rick Otte and his colleagues working at Lapidary Arts Custom Jewelry store possess all above-mentioned qualities. Dallas and the Metroplex can boast that they have the best team of custom jewelry makers in the nation.Rick Otte is a certified gemologist. He knows everything there is to know about gemstones. Rick can tell you how diamonds are mined, where opals come from, how to cut and polish emeralds and much more. Here you can find specific characteristics of precious and semi-precious gemstones that are on display at Lapidary Arts store. If you have your own gemstones you want to use in jewelry, you can always get professional advice on a custom design that would satisfy all your needs and wishes. Rick and his colleagues are always happy to help you design the perfect engagement or wedding ring, or custom jewelry for daily wear.Lapidary Arts has the finest collection of rare and beautiful gemstones found in the Metroplex. Their stock includes diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, opals, pearls, topaz, tanzanite, and many other exotic gems. They come from sources as diverse as Australia, Japan, Colombia, Africa, Russia, and others. Custom jewelry design is made easy with such a wide choice of perfect materials.


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