kick ass concept creation team with over 30 years of product development and design experience.We are high energy, motivated, and highly innovative designers making your dreams of product development come true one pattern, prototype, project, or production at a time! We are DevisePDX* *arrange, blue-print, brainstorm, cast, chart, clever, cogitate, come up with, concoct, construct, contrive, cook up, craft, create, design, discover, dope out, fabricate, fake it, fashion, fantasize, find, forge, form, formulate, frame, get off, hatch, head trip, imagination, improve, improvise, initiate, intrigue, invent, jam, make-up, mastermind, picture, plan, plot, prepare, project, scheme, shape, spark, think up, throw together, uncover, vamp, visualize, whip up, win, wing it!