
Hosmer Chiropractic Health was founded in 2007 by Dr. Seth Hosmer, and is located in the Pearl District of Portland, Oregon. We offer treatment for a wide variety of conditions including:    Sports Injuries    Chronic Pain    Car Accidents    Post-Surgical Rehabilitation    General Musculoskeletal Aches and Pains    Repetitive Overuse InjurieOur treatment approach is based on three main principles:    Understand the patient, their medical history, and goals for treatment    Provide safe and effective treatment    Educate the patient so that they understand their condition, and learn how to minimize the likelihood of a future recurrenceWe offer a complimentary consultation with the Doctors for new patients that are interested in learning more about the treatment we can provide. We are happy to provide this service as an opportunity for you to meet the Doctors, and get an opinion regarding a direction for treatment. If we feel that you would be better served by seeing another provider, we have extensive contacts in a variety of other specialties.


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