Virginia Superior Cleaning
Portsmouth, Georgia, United States | Cleaning Services (Commercial, Residential)

I would like to introduce Virginia Superior Cleaning (VSC) to you. In a field where there is a plethora of cleaning services it is easy to feel overwhelmed when making a decision. Knowing the claims made by our competitors it has made us "step up our game," so to speak. Many services that others consider extra we have made standard, from cleaning your microwave to your once a year deep clean. Also unlike our competitors our employees go through several different background checks before entering a three week trial period. For this reason we are a dedicated staff who can{t wait to make your vision a reality. When cleaning your home we believe in being the best, or why would you hire us? For this reason we guarantee everything we do. We want you to be able to relax, spend time with family, stay in, go out or whatever you wish to do. Cleaning will be the last thing on your mind. We Promise! We know there are many reasons for our services to be utilized.