Borges Construction Company LLC
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States | General Contractors (Construction)

The story of Borges Construction Company is really the story of its founder and president, Dayan ("Dan") Borges, who created the company in 2003.With his easy Michigan accent and confident smile, you might never guess the harsh circumstances of his early life, or the experiences that give him his powerful commitment to quality, honesty and reliability. Indeed, the creation of Borges Construction is the final chapter in a true American success story.Born in Havana, Cuba in 1977, Dayan was only three when he fled with his brother, father and mother on the Mariel Boat Lift. Although an entrepreneurial family, they had suffered terribly under Castro{s repressive regime, and the family arrived in America with less than the equivalent of $50 in assets. They made it their first priority to assimilate to their new home, and the family immediately set about learning English and becoming citizens.