Best Credit Repair San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas, United States | Business Services


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Residents of San Antonio are lucky, as they are living in an affordable location. When it comes to cost of living, San Antonio is more affordable than almost all large cities in the US. In fact, the costs of living and renting homes are below the national average here i.e. 14% lower. Transportation, groceries, utilities, healthcare, and whatnot, San Antonio is the dream city for those looking to live a peaceful life without breaking the bank.

However, it is not all good news for the people of San Antonio. Recently, the housing market has been seeing the prices go up quite fast. Just in 2016 and 2017 combined, the home prices have gone up by more than 18%. But that’s not the worrisome detail. What worries the residents of San Antonio is that their incomes have not gone up at that speed. Even more disturbing is the credit card debt in the city. On the list of the worst populous metropolitan cities in the US with the highest credit card debts, San Antonio ranks 5th unfortunately.

According to this recent Creditcards dot com analysis, the median income in San Antonio is $29,124 whereas the average credit card debt in the city is $7,070. That’s a lot of credit card debt considering the fact that the only other four cities with worse credit card debit are Houston, New York, Dallas-Fort Worth and Washington D.C.


  • Credit Repair
  • Credit Repairs


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