Krueger Photography Studio

San Marcos, Texas, United States | Photography


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My true story - one that actually brings me to tears every time I tell it.  As hard as it may be to believe, I promiseyou this is the truth.  I had some nightmares the other night, guess that was natural since my father passed awayJuly 12, of 2001.  It was a very emotional time for me.  I still really miss him, we were very close.  I have a veryspecial photograph that I took of him and our special pet cat Kitsy, of him fishing with her. That photograph is mymost prized possession; it means the world to me.  I have an adequately sized photograph now so I can enjoy itevery day.  The cat Kitsy had a heart condition also and died three months after my father did, she was a veryspecial pet.  Kitsy  would walk on a leash, was very concerned about people’s feelings, when you were crying shewould be so concerned, she would come up to you and put her paw on you.  Kitsy loved to ride in the truck withDad and I, she would go on trips with us. I am so happy that I have that photograph!  I am crying right now a bit,but I felt that I needed to share that with you.


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