Clairday Electric, Inc.
Searcy, Arkansas, United States | Electrical Appliances (Sales, Services, Repairs)

Founded in 1999, Clairday Electric, Inc. is a family owned and operated company based out of Searcy, Arkansas. Our workforce has many years of experience in all aspects of the electrical field, both in service and construction. The training and experience our employees have been provided has helped to create a safe, efficient and conscientious workforce that fits seamlessly into your home or place of business. We offer a wide range of services in the industrial, commercial, and residential fields. Our electricians are state licensed and our apprentices are enrolled and licensed in the state apprenticeship program. We do not contract employees. Everyone who works for Clairday Electric, Inc. is a full time employee, is insured and has been certified in our health, safety and environmental program. Our base of operations is the White County, Arkansas area; however, our range of travel for work is statewide and beyond, including being licensed to work in Oklahoma. For residential service, we serve all locations within a 50 mile radius of Searcy. For industrial and commercial work we will cover wherever you need us.