Homeward Hounds Sharpsburg Dog Walking and Pet Sitting

Sharpsburg, Georgia, United States | Pets


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Several years ago I was planning a much needed vacation and like many multiple pet owners had no clue how I was going to find a place that would accommodate my 6 dogs, let alone afford the cost. I cringed at the thought of abandoning my babies for a week at a kennel where they would be cooped up for hours on end in a tiny little run on cold cement floors.I carefully selected the nicest kennel with the best reputation and off I went into the sunset…that is until the owner called me 10 minutes after dropping off my dogs. Silly Tilly, my scruffy mutt apparently “flipped out,” was growling at the employees and refused to come out from under the front desk. $100 dollars later and an emergency phone call to my vet, Tilly was given a potent tranquilizer and off she went into her tiny run for the week. A week later I was handed a bill twice the cost of my airfare and hotel combined and my dogs were a mess! They were stressed out, smelly and hoarse from nonstop barking. My bulldog Wally had puncture wounds all over his head and neck, something the owner apparently never noticed.


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