Agro Research International, LLC
Sorrento, Georgia, United States | Agriculture (Products, Services)

HomeAbout UsAgricultureContact UsReference Research ArticlesFood Safety From the farm to the table.... naturally The history of Agro Research International begins many years ago in Colombia. As part of a US, Canadian and Columbian initiative, I helped farmers transition from growing coca for illicit drugs to legal and profitable crops. One crop stood above others: Stevia, the natural sweetener. Growing Stevia transplants on my farm posed enormous challenges. Root growth was inconsistent and mortality rate high. I knew that without a solution this endeavor would fail. Then, a friend of mine mentioned seaweed extract. I began testing a number of these products; some worked well, others marginally. Overall, the results were mostly inconsistent. Being from Canada, where a lot of kelp is harvested, I began a search for a consistent, high quality seaweed extract. More trials and finally the jack pot. Soon, the Rice Federation, the Potato Federation and sugar cane growers in Columbia embraced the product. What they saw was dramatic yield increase and significantly less diseases. I named this extract Stimulagro and began selling it in South America. Along the way, I expanded the search for natural extracts with fungicidal, bactericidal, insecticidal and nematicidal properties. Thyme Guard was that product and soon became a hit. Later I introduced Stim Guard, a combination of the growth promoting properties of Stimulagro and the pesticidal properties of Thyme Guard. Unfortunately, my extensive travels took a toll on my family who lived in Orlando, Florida. So I turned over my business to a reliable manager and opened an operation in Florida. The initial focus was tackling Citrus Greening, which is devastating the citrus industry. A trial with Thyme Guard and Stim Guard at Mid Florida Citrus Foundation proved very successful; resulting in an increase in yield of 46%, primarily due to a reduction in fruit drop. This caught the attention of growers; and soon thereafter the University of Florida, in conjunction with CRDF, were studying Thyme Guard as a potential solution for the disease. Today, Thyme Guard has become and recognized as one of the most important ingredient in the fight against HLB and also the most effective product to fight PFD in citrus and many other diseases in all crops going from Powdery Mildew to Fusarium and everything in between. Thyme Guard is also very effective as insecticide on most sucking insects. We are now in full product expansion mode with the introduction of Nem Guard, a liquid chitosan solution with biologics, which can be injected in drip irrigation systems helps increased SIR elicitors for plant health, Agro Gold, a proven unique blend of synergistically developped bacilus to regenerate the soil, promote growth, improve overall plant health and combat harmful pathogens. Osmo Plus, a betaines osmolytes for drought stress relief.