Mine Safety Training By David A. Coelho & Associates
Sparks, Nevada, United States | Education Services (Schools, Tutors)

We have over 21 years of safety experiance: Safety / Training & Consultation, MSHA, OSHA, and CPR/1ST AIDDavid A. Coelho & Associates has been in safety and consultation for over 21 years. David Coelho started in risk management with a large casino/hotel complex in Reno Nevada. After the casino tenure varius general industries contracted with David Coelho to write their safety programs and conduct training to coinside with the programs. After the casinos David Coelho worked for Nevada OSHA as a trainer for the state. Looking to advance his career David Coelho left OSHA to persue the private sector working as a safety director for various construction companies mostly as a subcontractor implementing safety programs and conducting training. For the past approximately fourteen years David Coelho has been a MSHA (Mine Safety Health Administration) facilitator conducting classes throughout Nevada and California. David Coelho began MSHA training in 1998, through the Cal-OSHA Division Tunneling and Mining. David Coelho has been helping contractors, subcontractors and various mines with MSHA compliance.