
Cecil Ballard Photography was named after the photographer{s father Cecil Ballard Grigory and the photographer{s middle name is Cecil.  After a life time of having his Biblical name Stephen spelled as Steven and his surname Grigory spelled as Gregory and worse, we decided to use an easier name to spell and pronounce.   Besides, Cecil Ballard Grigory did a fine job with his Argus C3 film camera - we have boxes of slides to show for his efforts.We operate out of our home on Rebecca Creek in the unincorporated town of Spring Branch, Texas.  The large wooded lots support a variety of wildlife including many birds you don{t see in urban areas, turkey, bobcats, coyotes, ring tail, fox, rock squirrels, white tail deer, at least one cougar and the usual assortment of varmints (raccoons, skunks, squirrels etc.)  I have personally seen the cougar twice but they are extremely shy and difficult to photograph. All photography is done on location as we do not support a studio.  We have several backdrops that we can set up for portrait work in the customer{s home if needed and at events such as proms and graduations.All photographs taken by Stephen C Grigory are copyright protected against reproduction or publication without written permission.   Beyond that we are really easy to get along with.        


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