Citrin Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Jeffery Rutherford
St. Louis, Missouri, United States | Health Care Treatment

Dr. Rutherford is originally from Gurdon, Arkansas. He received a Bachelor{s of Science degree from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.Dr. Rutherford received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1998.Dr. Rutherford resides in St. Peters, MO with his wife, Tess, and three children, Lisa, Shawn, and Justin. Also, with our little dogs Rascal and Shelby.Dr. Rutherford played competitive baseball while growing up and was drafted by a professional baseball team. His interest in sports culminated in him pursuing his Doctorate in Chiropractic as he has seen on a first hand basis the injuries and pitfalls that hamper athletes at all levels of competition. In addition to maintaining a successful chiropractic practice, he is currently training for a Marathon.