
At First Baptist Church we believe that because God is holy and people are sinful, we all have a serious and eternal problem: we are separated from God, and that’s very bad news. However, the good news is that God sent His Son Jesus to solve humanity’s sin problem. Jesus lived a sinless life, so that He could give us His righteousness. Then by dying, He suffered God’s holy wrath against our sins. Finally, He rose again to impart His new life to us.To receive eternal life from God, simply admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior believe that what Jesus did by His life, death and resurrection is enough to save you and commit your life to Him. For us you experience this eternal life every day, we need the guidance of God’s Word and the support of fellow believers. That’s where the church comes in. We invite you to trust and follow Christ with us, and be a part of this family, seeking to glorify Him together.


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