
Heritage Bible Church does not endorse the modern ecumenical movement. We do not join with or promote those churches and organizations that abandon doctrinal truth for the sake of unity or provide a platform for their ministry. The Scripture not only warns of a departure from sound doctrine in the final days, but also of a great increase in false teachers, apostasy, and “luke-warmness” prior to the second coming of Christ. Instead, we are commanded to preach the Word and to earnestly contend for the faith.Heritage Bible Church does not embrace the church growth movement, which places an emphasis on felt needs and entertainment to reach the lost and “unchurched”. We believe the gospel in itself is the power of salvation. As believers, we are to be distinct from the world rather than to mimic it. We gather on Sunday morning to worship our Lord in spirit and truth. Therefore, the emphasis of our worship, both in music and proclamation, is upon the Grace of God as revealed in Scripture.


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