Storrs Community Church

Tolland, Connecticut, United States | Church


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Storrs Community Church seeks to be……a welcoming community celebrating God’s transforming love,Inviting all people to come, connect, and participate in life in Christ togetherAppreciating one another, with all our hurts, doubts and human weaknessesResponding to God’s healing grace with gratitude and joy.…a catalyst for faith in action cultivating hope and healing,Proclaiming the Gospel through our words and actionsReflecting Christ’s redeeming love in our day-to-day livesPartnering with others to relieve suffering in the world.…a spiritual home nurturing our growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus,Encouraging each other as we explore questions, and face life’s challengesFollowing the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the ScripturesHonoring Christ in every aspect of our lives.         


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