Customized Wedding Creations

Trenton, New Jersey, United States | Florists


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		 		It{s so cliche to say I started this business while I was planning my wedding, but it{s true.  I was always the type of kid who liked to color and be artistic, and as I got older, that passion for the creative never went away.  However, growing up in a family where getting a solid, concrete job (meaning non-artistic) was always what was pre-determined for me.  So, I went to college and began a career in teaching, abandoning that creative side of me.  Ok, truth be told, I was still creative, just not in the same way.  Within a few years, I met my husband and we began to plan our wedding.  It wasn{t until that point in my life when the creative juices really began to flow and I discovered this wedding world that sparked my creative passion all over again.  Among other things, I found that I could create this really cool piece of fabric with mine and my husband{s names on it and our wedding date.  I{d never seen anything like that before in any of the weddings I had gone to, so I decided to make one for my own wedding.  Low and behold the word started to spread about my aisle runner and I had others asking me to make hand-painted aisle runners for them along with table runners, banners, and eventually parasols, and photography backdrops.  This little idea I had turned into a huge venture enabling me that creative outlet I needed and yet still a really cool business that I just love running.  		 	


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