Sunny Smiles Dentistry for Children and Young Adults

Ventura, California, United States | Doctor Dentist


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  Dr. Sunil Ilapogu, D.D.S. (aka Dr. Sunny) attended Loma Linda  University Dental School and completed his degree in 2002. While  studying dentistry, Dr. Sunny recognized that he had a great love for  working with children and chose to complete the pediatric residency  program at Loma Linda University Hospital in June 2004. After  graduation, Dr. Sunny moved to Ventura, CA to be an associate in Dr.  Channers pediatric dental practice. One year later, Dr. Sunny acquired  the practice and is striving to provide all children and teens with a  positive dental experience. Dr. Sunny and his wife, Natalie, have three  small children and enjoy living in Ventura. They are actively involved  in the community and volunteer with Interface, Give Kids A Smile and  Head Start. Sunny Smiles Dentistry is a sponsor of YMCA and provides  dental education to over twenty preschools, kindergartens and day cares  in the local area. Dr. Sunny enjoys travel, golf, basketball, hockey and  spending time with his family.  Dr. Nation grew up in southern California and attended college in the  Napa Valley. He spent one year abroad to learn Spanish, then returned to  southern California for dental school at Loma Linda University along  with Dr, Sunny and completed his masters degree in Pediatric Dentistry.  Dr. Nation and his wife are blessed with two young children, Jaden, age  five and Jianna, age three.  Dr. Nobel is a native of southern California. He attended UCLA for  undergraduate, dental school, pediatric dentistry training and is  currently on the faculty at the UCLA School of Dentistry. Throughout his  career, Dr. Nobel has dedicated himself to the treatment of under  served children. He created Ticket to Smile, an organization dedicated  to the dental care of children in homes affected by domestic abuse. His  wife Ariana grew up in Ventura and attended Ventura High School. In  their spare time, they enjoy traveling, as well as trying out the newest  restaurants.  Our doctors provide the most up-to-date and thorough treatment for a  wide variety of dental procedures in an atmosphere that encourages your  child to feel relaxed and comfortable. They are trained and qualified to  treat all children including those with special needs who may have  emotional, physical, or mental challenges. This specialized training and  commitment to comprehensive oral health is why many parents wisely  choose a pediatric dentist in a very similar way in which they choose a  pediatrician to provide their childrens medical care. To insure that  your children stay healthy, our doctors work with pediatricians and  other medical and dental specialists as an important part of your  child{s health team.


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