
A&P has developed, over the last 20 years, trellis material to enhance the quality and increase the quantity of grapes through proper canopy management. A&P has been a leader in new trellis designs for wine grapes, table grapes, and now is developing new raisin grape trellises.
A&P has worked with the University of California Davis to develop new trellises for wine grapes. Through U.C.D. and wineries of Napa Valley, A&P in the early 1980's pioneered new vertical trellises and split canopy trellises that are now being used in the Napa Valley. Mondavi Winery, Sterling Vineyards, Berringer and B.V. Winery are just a few who helped in the early years and have profited greatly from using the newly designed trellises.
A&P has developed new trellises for the California table grapes as well. The California Standard Gable and California Open Gable trellises have been very successful in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The San Joaquin Valley grape industry is now going through a major change in installing new trellises in existing vineyards and new plantings. A&P is now installing these same trellises in the Mexico table grape regions.
A&P is also now developing new raisin grape trellises with Sun Maid Raisins and other major raisin companies in the San Joaquin Valley. These new trellises will allow raisins to go through rain with less damage and reduce the amount of hand labor, if not eliminate hand labor altogether.
A&P utilizes Rail Steel T-Posts, the strongest in the industry, for its trellis construction. Additionally, the new vertical J-R Clip is utilized throughout.
A&P continues to develop new trellises to increase vine potential.        


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