The Cary Memorial Library

Wayne, Maine, United States | Library


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The Cary Memorial Library will hold a gala afternoon of classical music performed by Mezzo Soprano Joelle Morris and Classical  pianist Brian Meldrum.  The concert is set for Sunday March 30 at 3PM at the historic Wing Homestead in Wayne, now owned by Laura Briggs.  Morris will sing selections by Bizet, Debussy and Gershwin.  Meldrum will play pieces by Chopin, Scarlatti and Mozart.The Cary Memorial Library, serving the public free of charge, is operated by the Wayne Library Association, a private 501(C)3 incorporated association.  Anyone wishing to become a voting member of the library has the option of paying $5.00 annual dues.  The library is staffed by a professional librarian, assisted by many volunteers.  It is open 27 hrs a week in the winter and 31 hrs in the summer. Approximately 2,000 people are regular patrons, and the library averages 10,000 items in circulation each year.


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