Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy
West Covina, California, United States | Education Services (Schools, Tutors)

At Walnut Montessori Academy, we specialize in providing an individualized safe learning environment to enhance and maximize your child{s academic skills, artistic creativity and life skills. Our advance and modern Montessori Facility enables each child to develop and grow in a warm, inviting and safe learning environment to reach their maximum aptitude. Our unique and proprietary Montessori curriculum based on the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, will enable your child to reach new heights in academics such as Math, Language, Science and Geography, while enjoying enrichment activities such as Dance, Ballet, Foreign Languages, Arts, Music and Computers. The facilities child specific equipment, layout and staff foster an environment highly conducive to intellectual development and self-esteem. Our State and Montessori certified teachers will provide your child with the best education possible in small groups, ensuring individualized attention.