Construction Employers Association Of NCWV
White Hall, West Virginia, United States | Associations/Clubs/Non-profits

The Construction Employers Association of North Central West Virginia, Inc., organized on February 17, 1969 and formally incorporated July 13, 1973, was founded by a small group of building contractors as a Multi-Employer's Association. The Association established its first executive offices in the Hotel Morgan, Morgantown, West Virginia on January 1, 1973 and following incorporation moved to the Mascioli Building located at 13 South High Street. On August 1, 1980, the Association offices were once again moved to their present location at 2794 White Hall Blvd., White Hall, West Virginia. The Association is affiliated with the West Virginia Construction Council, the National Labor Research Council, Washington, D.C., the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association, Chantilly, Virginia and the International Builders Exchange Executives within the United States and Canada. The West Virginia Highway/Heavy Contractors Association (WVHHCA) was formed in 1978 as a division of the Ohio Valley Construction Employers Council (OVCEC), Wheeling, West Virginia, a multiple employers contractors trade association representing Highway/Heavy Employers in the Northern Panhandle. In 1981, OVCEC was joined by the Construction Employers Association of North Central West Virginia, Inc. (CEA) Fairmont, West Virginia, representing Highway/Heavy Contractors in the Morgantown, Fairmont and Clarksburg areas. By 1982, the Parkersburg Marietta Association (PMCA), became a member of the Highway/Heavy Contractor Association, thus creating a statewide contractors organization providing full time services to all member contractors involved in the Highway/Heavy Industry. In July 1994, the Association was officially granted chapter recognition in the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association. SMACNA of CEA-NCWV, Inc. was formed as a cooperative effort of the Sheet Metal Workers International Association and CEA sheet metal contractors to create a more productive market that assures quality performance and a superior product delivered on time. In 2002 the Association requested a change to its Charter title due to growth and affiliation of other state Sheet Metal Contractors. The Charter is now titled West Virginia Sheet Metal Contractors Association, Inc., and presently covers geographical areas within the state of West Virginia. The Construction Employers Association of North Central West Virginia, Inc. is dedicated to maintaining a strong building industry, protecting the welfare of its members and enhancing Labor and Management Relations in general.